Impermanence of the Physical I, 2020
Impermanence of the Physical I, 2020
Experimental screen print on silk
Acid and procion dye formula
138 x 180 cm I 54 x 71 in
Impermanence of the physical pt 1 is one part of a whole. This piece was originally made as one large 6 meter print. It has been divided into three sections. P1 represents the beginning of form. Which is the nativity of how our reality begins to manifest in the physical.
This is the early stages, the naive stages where we are open and explorative, more connected to our inner child and pure essence. This stage is before the conditioning of the environment around us. This is before we begin to assign ourselves a sense of self based on identity from on our environment and external factors rather than ideas from the true inner being.
P1 is the coming into being, the opening where we move from a place that resonates with our purity more. It represents heart and pockets of light finding form within the textural dynamic of space.