Song of the Sea, 2020

Song of the Sea, 2020

from £1,676.00

Experimental screen print on silk in 2 part

Acid and procion dye formulars. 

130 x 137cm | 51 x 54in

101 x 137cm | 40 x 54in

Song of the sea depicts the idea of rhythm and music held in the layers and textures of the aquatic ocean. About the information that are in and transmitted through the marine biome that holds the greatest proportion of earth. 

Making this work was feeling of there being different pockets, tunes and rhythms within the ocean space. How the sea changes, moves constantly, in a state of impermanence however always holds space on earth of tranquility and transience. I find a real beauty in the ocean, it holds so much wisdom simply in its natural being. 

From moment to moment the ocean changes, sometimes its still, powerful, chaotic, calm, transient, warm, cold, rough, soft. It’s always in a state of change from one moment to another. But at the core it is always the same. There is a beautiful wisdom in this. 

Song of the sea is a reminder of that beautiful spark of wisdom that our powerful oceans hold. 

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